Sunday, March 30, 2008

Mar.27th/08 Blog Prompt

For Spring Break, I am pretty much going to be lazin' it. I plan on sleeping up to 12 hours each night, and maybe taking a trip to the city (to buy books) hehe. I also plan to watch as many movies as possible.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Mar.25th/08 Blog Prompt

There are sooooo many places on the world i would love to see or live in. But the one i would probably like to live in most would be Scotland. It looks soooo beautiful, and it is so historically wealthy.

Mar.24th/08 Blog Prompt

I think i would probably take the million dollars, because if i died my family would still have the money. If i took $1000 a week, then i could die and the payments would not be able to go to my family, since i would be the recipient (winner).

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Mar.20th/08 Blog Prompt

Hmmm...I would have to say loyalty is most important in a friendship. Not generosity, because that is often taken advantage or often one-sided. honest of course is important, but not all things can be said in a friendship, and there are always little white lies in frienships. Lying can usually be easily forgiven. Loyalty however, is very important. No backstabbing, or selling your freinds out! Is is easier to forgive someone for being greedy, or for lying, than it is for being hung out to dry, or forgotten.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

mar.19th/08 Blog Prompt

I would probably pick shows that had high rating through internet or something like that. I dunno...i've never really thought about these kind of things, since i'm not really interested in Television.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Mar.18/08 Blog Prompt

hmmm...if hollywood were going to make a movie about my life, i wouldn't want someone else to portray me, since no one could do it as well as i

Monday, March 17, 2008

Mar.17th/08 'St. Patrick's Day' Blog Prompt

hmmm....i think my progress report will say something like "excellent work! keep up the good effort". The usual teachery thing. lol

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Mar.12/08 Blog Prompt

In most cases, I am pretty sure this saying is used to mean that you can say whatever you want, but that doesn't prove anything. If you have a picture, it can't really be denied. Or, that you may not always remember what was said, our a story that was told (details that are forgotten), but pictures, that are taken care of, can last longer.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Mar.11/08 Blog Prompt

I am still as of yet, to decide whether or not I am going to do the chocolate sales. I've been super busy with Basketball season, which is officially over very soon, and may decide to join the "Simply Delicious" chocolate bar sales sometime next week.

Simply Delicious is chocolate bars "By Canadians, For Canadians". The proceeds from this fundraiser will go towards sending the grade 12 graduating class of 2010 on an educational trip through EF Tours. These trips are approved Canadian educational trips, that include round-trip flights, hotel stays, daily meals, sight-seeing, full-time tour guides, transportation, and visits to National monuments. Please help support this trip by buying some of our yummy chocolate. Send us on an Adventure before we settle into the humdrum of school, rents, bills, groceries, and responsibility, and allow us to enjoy our last moments of freedom with the people we have grown so close to over the last 13 years. Thank-you for your time. Sincerely yours, a hopeful graduate of 2010.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Mar.10th/08 Blog Prompt

If I could do one thing to change the world and make it a better place, I would take greed away from mankind. If there was no such thing a greed, people would not do things solely for personal gain. Less people would go hungry, live in poverty, and there would be no war for land, power, money, or resources. The world would truely be a better place.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Mar.7th/08 Blog Prompt

If I found a cell phone I definitely wouldn't keep it. I guess I would take it, wait for the owner to call their phone, then tell them where it was found, and all there would be left to do is give them the phone.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

March.6th/08 Blog Prompt

If everything I touched turned into candy, I would probably be about 300 pounds. I would eat everything I touched, and I would probably get sick.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I think the expression "money can't buy happiness" means that you should forget about money (having it, using it, getting it, etc) and do what is ultimitely going to make you happy. When you die you can't bring money with you, so don't base life on it. To me, Money can't buy happiness is nearly the same expression as Money isn't everything.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Mar.4th/08 Blog Prompt

Honestly, if I got a present that I didn't like I would either just suck it up and keep my mouth shut, or make little subtle comments about not liking the gift.

Mar.3rd Blog Prompt

My idea of a perfect day varies according to how I feel, or what I feel like doing. Today I feel like going to Chapters bookstore, buying a huge load of books, and lazing around my house reading them.