Tuesday, April 29, 2008

April.29th/08 Blog Prompt

Sadly, my version of a fun evening is probably reading a book, or watching playoff hockey with my parents...lol

Monday, April 28, 2008

April.28th/08 Blog Prompt

hmmmmm.....if i could be any animal i wanted to be, it would have to be something that ate meat, because i think i would die without meat. hmmmm....maybe a wolf, cause they're soooo purty. lol

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

April.23rd/08 Blog Prompt

If i forgot to get a present, and then only realized that i forgot to get one an hour before the birthday party, i would probably just do the old cash thing, and maybe take the time to draw a weird little card or something just for fun.

April.22nd/08 Blog Prompt

To me, Earth Day means taking the time to do whatever you can to help clean up your environment.

Monday, April 21, 2008

April 21st/08 Blog Prompt

My favourite thing to do on a rainy day definitely does NOT involve school...lol...probably reading or going for a walk outisde--with warm clothes of course. (depending on how much it is raining.)

Friday, April 11, 2008

April 11th/08 Blog Prompt

If I could spend a weekend on the moon, I would probably bring someone I love with me to share such an amazing experience, and I would definitely bring a camera!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

April.10th/08 Blog Prompt

hmmmm....i don't really remember many of my birthday presents from when i was little, and i usually just go clothes shopping witth my mom for my birthday....lol so i guess it would be clothes, or when i was little and i got a Supersoaker watergun....lol

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

April 9th/08 Blog Prompt

hmmm....i can't really say what the most exciting new i have ever recieved is...since i can't remember, it must have only been important at the time i recieved it....lol.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

April 8th/08 Blog Prompt

I have sooo many favourite internet websites, but i guess it is a tie between Facebook and Chapters.indigo.ca..... though i do spend more time on Facebook, so i guess it wins...lol

Monday, April 7, 2008

April 7th/08 Blog Prompt

Personality definitely means the most. When you get older, looks start to fade, and things become more about comfort and compatability. Though, you more or less have to be physically attracted to the person you are spending your life, beacause there is still a physical side to relationships.