Friday, May 23, 2008

May.23rd/08 Blog Prompt

mmmmhhhhhhhhhhh..................i think i would rather have a spider crawl in my mouth when i was sleeping, since statistics say you swallow spiders in your sleep all the time. And since thinking about a spider crawling in my ear seems to make me shiver more than one crawling in my mouth, i guess it is safe, but disgusting, to say what my answer would be.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

May.22nd/08 Blog Prompt

I think i would rather be 4'10 than 7'8, because:
a) i'm a girl, and b) There are not enough guys in the world who like tall chicks, or are tall enough date a girl who's a giant. That would suck.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

May.21st/08 Blog Prompt

hmmm...that's a tough one....lets see....i think i would rather lose the ability to hear...i can't stand not being able to see something that i want to see. example: i love to read. I don't need to hear anything to be able to read. I think i would die if i couldn't read. lol

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

May.20th/08 Blog Prompt

The manager has $25. The three guests have $3. And the bellboy has $2. That is $30.

So, there is no missing dollar.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

May.15th/08 Blog Prompt


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

May.14th/08 Blog Prompt

Apparently, a stamp can go around the world, but it always stays in the corner.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

661, is the number I got after doing the 5 steps.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Ask the robot what the other would say, if you were to ask it which door led to freedom. Then go through the opposite door it tells you.

(Even if you don't know which is which)

The truth telling robot would tell you how the lying robot would answer. If the T Robot told you the other robot would say to take the left door, you would automatically take the opposite door you were told, since you are assuming the other robot is the lying one.

The lying robot would tell you how the truth telling robot would answer. If the L Robot told you the other robot would say to take the right door, you would automatically take the opposite door you were told, since you are assuming that the robot you are talking to is lying.

So, either way, whether you are talking to the truthful robot or the lying robot, you take the opposite door --that the robot you are talking to--says the other will tell you is the door to freedom.

I know, difficult to understand. LOL

Friday, May 9, 2008

May.9th/08 Blog Prompt

If i could stay any age forever, it would definitely be 17. It is young, and my favourte number. I hate even numbers, sooo, i guess this would be the perfect age for me.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

May.7th/08 Blog Prompt

I would donate my $1000 to the Make a Wish Foundation.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

May.6th/08 Blog Prompt

Yesterday during class, i started creating my pages for my new website, and then i started looking for a picture for my enter page.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

May.2nd/08 Blog Prompt

If i had a time machine, and could travel to any time i wanted...i would tavel to the past, maybe the 18th or 19th century. I am in love with history, so i would probably be in my glory there.

Friday, May 2, 2008

May.2nd/08 Blog Prompt

Hmmm....if i wanted to be friends with a person who spoke a different language , i don't know how we would communicate...maybe we could learn one another's language, and there is translation dictionaries, as well as the universal body language. You can learn a lot about a person by learning how to read their body language.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

May.1st/08 Blog Prompt

I think i would much rather be a person who has the respect of others, than a person who has lots of money. It's the people who respect you and whom you respect that you are going to surround yourself with throughout your lifetime. Money does not = respect. Money isn't going to talk to you when your lonely, and it doesn't always get you very far.