Monday, February 25, 2008

Feb.25th/08 Blog Prompt

I don't know what the world will be like when I am 25 or when I am 50, and I really can't guess. In the idealistic fantasy future, i'm sure there would be robots, flying cars, time machines, transporters, and what not. But that's not how I think it is going to be. Honestly, I don't think it will be much different from now. I think there will still be war, poverty,disease, etc. Likely the only thing that would be different is that life will be easier due to advancing technology. It will also be easier to expoit the poor and weak countries to take the things that we want and they have. War technology will advance, which is why it will be easier to take advantage of those weaker countries. We may be able to create vaccines and cures for diseases and infections, but more and more diseases are being discovered. It seems the bad far outweighs the good, and at this rate, the older and older we get, the worse and worse the world gets.

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